12 Oct 2013

The Solitude or Loneliness

Well, really don’t know how to begin this one. I have been a regular subscriber of Lotus Tarot for the weekly interpretations of cards they send. It had almost been a year or so but today, the interpretation I received left me pondering. The subject said, ‘Solitude Vs Loneliness’.

Ah, this moment I remembered a poem we read in standard nine, ‘The Solitary Reaper’ by Sir William Wordsworth.
A couplet in the poem is
‘Alone she cuts and binds the grain,
And sings a melancholy strain;’
There was a question in the exercise that asked why the reaper was singing a melancholic song. To this, the answer our teacher gave was, ‘it is human nature to feel connected and get affected by things that are sad.’
Honestly, I just mugged up that answer to produce it the same in the examination without understanding the deep thoughts behind it. To me loneliness and solitude held no difference all these years. Thankfully, I understand the distinction now.

This is what I received from Lotus Tarot today.
“Solitude is something you WANT and feel comfortable with, a peaceful, relaxing and inspirational space, and loneliness is an UNWANTED experience of being on your own.”

To me, loneliness is a state of being separated from the outer world mentally while solitude is a state of being connected to oneself. Solitude is desirable while loneliness is feared. Loneliness fills one with an empty feeling while solitude is a way to introspect and fill that emptiness. One can be in solitude when alone, yet lonely in a crowd. So complex are human emotions and situations. It is too philosophical, right buddy? 

What makes me think profoundly is the fear of being lonely. We humans have a tendency to turn the time of solitude into loneliness and then search for an escape. I ask, how many times a day and for how many minutes or hours, do you sit, recollect and analyze your words,thoughts and actions buddy? Perhaps not at all or only a few moments, so busy we are with our Smartphone. The loneliness we feel without friends or a  lover make us enter into unfulfilling relationships and repent them later. I have personally known people who just could not bear living alone and enter into a relation with whoever they could find. This is a pitfall we dig for ourselves. 
One of my friends after his break-up, felt like he was in love with his best friend. This confession spoiled his friendship and later the realization of him being in the rebound phase of the relationship dawned upon. He not only lost his love but also a great friend. 

There are many such examples, I am sure you too can find around buddy.
Why are we so impatient? The next time when you feel alone, pen down the feelings, you would be astonished to see yourself write something awesome. Introspect, read or engage yourself in something constructive. Being with people is not the solution, for our world, our people should be found patiently buddy.

I would again repeat the lyrics of one of my favorites from Guns and Roses,
'Things will be just fine,
You and I will just use a little patience'.
Turn your loneliness into solitude not solitude to loneliness buddy, and for this all you need is just a little patience.

7 Oct 2013

MOVE ON - A Simple Thing Yet Exaggerated

Hey buddy, long time!! Well these days, a lot have been happening in my life. Got placed (well placement stories will come up soon) and then had the opportunity to meet and know new people who are my motivation to write this post today. 
A single person whom I came to know has made me wonder how badly we humans can turn solitude into loneliness. How badly we can make the simple word, “move on” the hardest thing in the world to do. 
Why do we dwell in the past? Life is not that complicated, buddy; yet we make it one. 

That person made me think hard. I got deeply involved into his story, his pain and started living amid hallucinations. I found myself in sheer agony; the wounds I thought have healed, emerged again, laying bare all the secrets. I thought I had moved on. Was I wrong then, I wondered. Certain realizations dawned upon; life is indeed a relational algebra and perhaps that is why we study mathematics!!

Life is an echo of your own voice, a reflection of your own thoughts and an outcome of your own choice. Past is past, whether it has been happy or sad it is just a memory in the present. We don’t need to move on; all we need is let life move on. We need to let life take its flow, without hindering its path, remembering well that swimming downstream is easier than moving upstream. It is we who hold on to the past and not the past that engulfs us. Life always moves on that is why we always have a new present, and a new future.

I have heard people say your present, your future all depends on the past and you can’t just run away from it. Well, they are only partially correct. They do depend on the past; not on the happenings but the lessons learnt from it. You can’t just run away from it; if you do, you are running away from important lessons, buddy. Life is moving, life is dynamic and thus we hold no authority to stop at a moment and suffocate it.

It is rightly said, “Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain”.
Get up and move on, it is an awesome weather buddy!!

3 Oct 2013


Well, I believe love is more than just what cooks between a boy and a girl; but inspired by few heart-broken lovers I came up with this poetry..  

Oh dear lover,
There is nothing that love can give,
Just intolerable pain not letting you sleep.

It’s like a thunder bringing utter flood not just rain,
Smashing all on which it fall,
Leaving one with nothing at all,
When seize to exist, you would twirl in pain
Hands wounded, homes destroyed,
You try to rebuild, but in vain.

It leaves the lover searching for his own identity,
Pulling him close towards insanity.
Between two lives he would live each day,
One too strong, too bold,
The other staining the pillows, longing for a hand to hold.

Love can only leave wounded souls hovering around,
Turning life imperfect, which at a time was perfectly sound.
It is nothing but a heinous play,
Leaving the players crying all night, all day.

This devil acts too innocent in the start,
The violin sound, the ringing bells,
But when abandons you; tears everything apart.
Leaves you with a feeling of being at hell,
The beautiful sounds you heard turn into a cacophony.
Love is no sweet; it gives nothing but agony.

Oh dear lover, I warn you not to tread this path,
It would bruise your soul not just break the heart,
The heart can be mended but not the soul,
A hurt soul surpasses the meaning of human as a whole.
I repeat, there is nothing that love can give.
Just intolerable pain not letting you sleep!!!!