4 Sept 2013


Today, on my way back to hostel, I saw something which propelled me to write after a long time. I won’t take much of your time making you read the introduction and such usual parts that an article must have. I would just begin.

I saw an old man selling posters; funny ones, inspiring ones, love ones and the attitude ones. I read the top one, while passing by. It said “What seems to be the end may really be a new beginning”.

The quote forced me to halt to browse through all of them. I had just forgotten my zest for writing since months, for I have been so tensed about placements. The posters forced me to appreciate the inner meaning they had. I looked at the seller’s condition; tampered clothes, poverty-stricken, malnourished yet he exactly had what I needed the most during this crucial time of my engineering life.He had all of them, all those posters which have the potential to inspire us, to heighten our spirits, yet it was nothing more than a paper to him which he just ought to sell.

‘Buy this one; see it has a beautiful picture’, he said interrupting my thoughts.
You don’t buy them for the picture but for the quote, I told him.
Just to satisfy him I looked at it. It said in bold letters, “The day you wish your dreams good-bye, is the day you really die”.
Then I looked at the picture, a man climbing a mountain, with abyss all below him. Yet climbing, because that’s what he dreams for.

You should buy this one, my friend said.
Indeed. It reminds me of my broken guitar, the songs once I have made and all the things I want to write about which has nothing to do with engineering.
Will you explain to me the meaning of this quote, the seller interrupted us.
I did the same.
‘I dream of making my son a mechanical engineer and I won’t let this dream die.

You shouldn’t, I said. I hope one day he will become one. 
 He smiled.I know the meaning of all of them, my son goes to school and he explains them to me. I wanted to see if you know it or have just forgotten them!!!

Dazzled, I asked him how much it costs. It costs you your dreams to live he said. Take it for no money but for your dreams!!!


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